React Native compatibility
React Native for Web provides compatibility with the vast majority of React Native’s JavaScript API. Features deprecated in React Native should be considered unsupported in React Native for Web.
Best used with React Native >= 0.68.
Visit the React Native Directory to find React Native packages with known web support.
Name | Status | Notes |
ActivityIndicator | ✓ | |
Button | ✓ | |
CheckBox | ✓ | |
FlatList | ✓ | |
Image | ✓ | Missing multiple sources (#515) and HTTP headers (#1019). |
ImageBackground | ✓ | |
KeyboardAvoidingView | (✓) | Mock. No equivalent web APIs. |
Modal | ✓ | |
Picker | ✓ | |
Pressable | ✓ | |
RefreshControl | ✘ | Not started (#1027). |
SafeAreaView | ✓ | |
ScrollView | ✓ | Missing momentum scroll events (#1021). |
SectionList | ✓ | |
StatusBar | (✓) | Mock. No equivalent web APIs. |
Switch | ✓ | |
Text | ✓ | No onLongPress (#1011). |
TextInput | ✓ | Missing rich text features (#1023), and auto-expanding behaviour (#795). |
Touchable | ✓ | Includes additional support for mouse and keyboard interactions. |
TouchableHighlight | ✓ | |
TouchableNativeFeedback | ✘ | Not started (#1024). |
TouchableOpacity | ✓ | |
TouchableWithoutFeedback | ✓ | |
View | ✓ | |
VirtualizedList | ✓ | |
YellowBox | (✓) | Mock. No YellowBox functionality. |
Name | Status | Notes |
AccessibilityInfo | (✓) | Mock. No equivalent web APIs. |
Alert | ✘ | Not started (#1026). |
Animated | ✓ | Missing useNativeDriver support. |
Appearance | ✓ | |
AppRegistry | ✓ | Includes additional support for server rendering with getApplication . |
AppState | ✓ | |
BackHandler | (✓) | Mock. No equivalent web APIs. |
Clipboard | ✓ | |
DeviceInfo | (✓) | Limited information. |
Dimensions | ✓ | |
Easing | ✓ | |
Geolocation | ✓ | |
I18nManager | (✓) | Mock. See localization for preferred approach. |
InteractionManager | (✓) | |
Keyboard | (✓) | Mock. |
LayoutAnimation | (✓) | Missing translation to web animations. |
Linking | ✓ | |
NativeEventEmitter | ✓ | |
NativeMethodsMixin | ✓ | |
NativeModules | (✓) | Mocked. Missing ability to load native modules. |
PanResponder | ✓ | |
PixelRatio | ✓ | |
Platform | ✓ | |
Settings | ✘ | No equivalent web APIs. |
Share | ✓ | Only available over HTTPS. Read about the Web Share API. |
StyleSheet | ✓ | |
UIManager | ✓ | |
Vibration | ✓ | |
useColorScheme | ✓ | |
useWindowDimensions | ✓ |