
An accessible checkbox component with customizable appearance.

CheckBox is a controlled component. The onValueChange callback should be used to update the value prop to reflect user actions. If the value prop is not updated, the component will continue to render the supplied value prop instead of the expected result of any user actions.

import { CheckBox } from 'react-native-web';

<CheckBox {...props} />;



...ViewProps ?ViewProps

All the props supported by View.

color ?string = "#AAB8C2"

Set the background color of the checkbox.

disabled ?boolean

Prevent all interactions with the checkbox.

onChange ?(e: ChangeEvent) => void

Called when the state of the native checkbox changes.

onValueChange ?(value: boolean | "mixed") => void

Called when the state of the native checkbox changes.

value ?(boolean | "mixed") = false

Set the value of the checkbox.


Note that the size of the checkbox can be controlled by changing the height and width style properties.

React Native for WebCopyright © Nicolas Gallagher and Meta Platforms, Inc.